Know Your Power to Create

I know my power to create. I do my best to adhere to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. I know that if I reap what I sow, I plant seeds of that which I desire to see in leadership. That is why I am ultra-conscious of where and to whom and what I lend my energy. I spend time envisioning and calling forth for leadership that is strong and compassionate, persistent and consistent, balanced and respectful, cooperative and creative, progressive and thoughtful, spiritually guided and grounded. I've now come to attach no names to this vision. I leave room for Spirit to do what Spirit does.

Because my mind, body, emotions, spirit and voice call forth for what I desire, there is no room to bring in the energy of what I don't desire. For example, whenever I call a variety of political offices, I express what I want vs. don't want. If I participate in any marches or rallies, it is for something vs. against. I only sow seeds of that which I desire to grow, vs. that which I believe needs to go. If I find myself wavering—and I do—I move back into alignment. I have a very strong faith that will continue to guide me, and daily I've been calling on my ancestors, angels, and others in my Spiritual Posse to help. We are not alone in this.

I have seen results manifest within me and my household, and in the community supporting me. I've seen it spread further around the country and wind its way around the world. Let's continue to consciously examine what we fuel with our thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions, so that we sow that which we desire to reap vs perpetuate that which we desire to go. Remember that "energy flows where attention goes."

Know your power to create.

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