Resistance is Futile

Any other Star Trek fans out there? I watched all of the series and movies, and have been known to enjoy some rerun episodes, as well. So if you’re like me, you’re sure to remember the Borg collective, always droning, “resistance is futile.” Though I am committed to spreading love, I have no interest in taking over others and integrating them into my collective. I am, however, understanding the truth in the statement as it relates to resistance within myself, and to the Divine plan for my life.

Resistance can appear to be a cunning adversary—kind of like the Romulans of our ego. It doesn’t always show up with a heavy hand—like a raging Klingon warrior. One moment, we’re going about life, whistling as we work—to mix metaphors—and the next thing we know, something happens to indicate that in our seeming productivity while toiling toward a goal, we haven’t been accomplishing all that we had set out to do. Such was the case a couple of weeks ago.

Resistance rose up and raised its sword, not once, but twice. Ironically it was at the two places that have been most helpful in my healing an issue of physical resistance. The first place was during my Tuesday night yoga class, where I announced to my amazing, masterful yoga teacher/healing sister, Robin Bell, that I was just going to stay on the mat. I felt tired, achy, and wanted to go to bed. Since I had 1) paid for the class and 2) needed to deliver seven containers of West African Groundnut Stew to my Soup of the Month Club members in the class, I couldn’t just opt out. But the mat was the closest thing there to my bed, and I could show up, perform reclining asanas, and take an early Savasana, AKA corpse pose, which I thought was fitting, since I felt dead tired. It was as if Resistance energetically and quite agilely sprung forth, stood boldly in the room, mocking me in Warrior I, then II, then III positions. Though it was strong, I somehow managed to overcome the inner Resistance outpicturing as exhaustion and to go with the flow.

And flow I did, from one pose to another, reclining on the mat, then standing, downward dogging and planking, back up and down, flowing gracefully until suddenly, it was time to return to the mat and recline again. When I wasn’t focused on how I had felt initially, I was able to stay in the present moment, belly breathing through ego and body Resistance, and the class had fairly effortless flown by. When I checked in, I realized my right hip had loosened more, allowing my knee to increase its range of motion. And by the time we were post-Savasana and saying Namaste, I was feeling rejuvenated and ready to continue my soup delivery to my clients waiting for me at the dojo. Later that night, I enjoyed a deep, restorative sleep.

Fast forward to Friday of that week, when after we saw our joint client and I facilitated my sacred healing with her, my uber gifted, masterful acupuncturist/healing sister, Julie Magram, performed her healing magic on my back/hip/knee. In our session five weeks previously, my leg was able to straighten more, and it had stayed that way with the help of my old physical therapy exercises. However, I had been resistant to trying to bend the leg more. Essentially, it hurt too much when I did. Thankfully the Universal Mother Ship sends backup when we get stuck in a jam, and Captain Julie came to the rescue. In our session, she gently, though persistently worked on increasing the bend. I had needles sticking from my chest to my legs. Later she had me turn over and she then placed needles along my back, as well. She palpated and tested, and pulled out her secret weapon, moxa, and burned it, further increasing the flow of my blood and chi. I could actually feel places of Resistance—blockages—in my energy flow, and I also felt when they released their hold and slunk away.

At session’s end, I knew I would be able to flex that knee even more fully, so you would think I would be ready to dance once I got off the table. But no, there was my persistent nemesis Resistance, morphing into yet another form, whispering not-so-sweet nothings in my ear: Be careful, Tonya. Don’t trust the leg—you know it has gotten so weak. You’ve been walking with a limp for a few years now, and you’re used to it. Hasn’t the arthritis forced you to slow down, which you needed to do? I listened to the voice as I walked gingerly about, packed up my stuff, cautiously stepped sideways down the stairs, and drove home. By the time I got out of the car, I realized how comfortable that leg had been while I was driving. I stood up without having to hold on to the car door, and walked without a limp to my house. The next day I unconsciously bent my knee to lotion my foot, and realized I didn’t have to lean over as far to reach my foot. I excitedly climbed on my bed and did reclining pigeon pose and noted the bend in my knee and subsequent further loosening of my hip—it was able to stretch more deeply. Since that time, I have been straightening AND flexing that knee.

So Resistance has two faces like the villain Harvey Dent (once again switching franchises). My friend, Rev. Kelli Jareaux captured resistance in this beautiful way, which spoke to me: “Resistance is an effort to stop creation, to stop what is from being, and stop what is becoming from becoming.” This view of creation has Resistance functioning as a powerful weapon of my ego, showing up right when I am doing my best to literally and figuratively stride forward in my life. Ignoring it is futile, and when I see it for what it is, I nod my head at it, give it a few moments of my time, thank it for helping to shine light on areas within myself still in need of healing, and then banish it to the Alternate Universe without wrinkling my cape. My creation will not be stopped.

I also have to keep in mind that Resistance often rides in on the back of a white horse, as well. This face of Resistance is an emissary of the Divine, letting me know that I am part of a grand plan, and it is futile to resist the good that is in store for me, and for those I am to serve.  I may get tired, but someone or something enters stage left to zap energy into me. I may stumble, but someone swoops in and picks me up. I may run out of resources, but a door opens with supplies for all my needs. Creation will occur, what is and what is becoming will become. In this instance, Resistance, my ally, is indeed futile.  

To find out about my holistic offerings, visit my website at To check out my Self-Care Saturday Series and other holistic events, go to  To listen to my podcast, Mind, Body & Soul Food, visit Purchase a Kindle or audio version of Diary of a Witch’s Daughter, my young adult novel with holistic and metaphysical themes at


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