7 Principles of Living Life after 50

A lot has happened since I last blogged. Interestingly, I checked out my last post, from February 2015, and saw I had written about my locs. Fast forward to the end of the year, and I have over two months of new growth from “The Big Chop” as part of my 50th birthday celebration.
So, what happens when one turns fifty? Mainstream media likes to focus on hormonal shifts, graying hair, creaking knees, and slowing down. Basically, what we have “lost.” Well, it’s a good thing I’m not considered mainstream media! Though my earthly body may experience some of these changes, my ever-rising spiritual being-ness sees my life through a different lens—the God lens. Some from this perspective, let me share with you a bit about the wisdom I have gained and intend to focus on at this half-century mark. Since we’re celebrating Kwanzaa now, and that has seven principles, I will call these my 7 Principles of Living Life after 50.

1.      I am clear that the past has passed. I am not interested in 50 being the new 30. My days of dancing at the club are done; give me a good wedding reception, house party, or exercise class, and I will get me groove on. I love my gray hair, even when they pop up in my eyebrows. I don’t want your anti-aging cream—drinking water and using coconut oil or shea butter works for me. I refuse to clog my pores with foundation. Body shaping garments feel too constricting of my flowing energy. What you see is what you get.
2.      I am continually releasing the dead weight. Where I’m going—excuse me—soaring—I have no room for anything or anyone who is going to weigh me down. Negative thoughts, naysayers, energy vampires, and accumulated stuff (including hair) has got to go. I have learned to love and let go a lot over the years, so I’ve mastered this task of lovingly releasing that which no longer serves me.
3.      I am highly successful in this current moment. And the next, and the next. It doesn’t matter what my bank accounts, portfolio or credit report says. I know, that as an extension of the Divine Source, I have all that I need in any given moment. The work I provide is inspired, uplifting, healing, meaningful, and springs from a place of unconditional love. What is not currently showing up as treasure, is definitely made up in time and talent. Yes, highly successful.
4.      I don’t believe everything I am told. Brainwashing starts at a very early age, and there comes a time when we need to start thinking on our own. I no longer allow government rhetoric, religious doctrine, biased studies, legal regulations and the mainstream media to dictate what I believe. I now know how to listen *deeply* to my higher consciousness and Divine source. I recognize Truth for myself, and I respect your right to experience a Truth that is different from mine. I expect the same respect from you.
5.      I get my energy through synergy. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Although we celebrate independence in this country, I know that I am always working in conjunction with someone else for my highest good. My Mother-Father God created me. My parents bore and raised me. My older sibs and extended family have imprinted on me. My peers socialized me. My various secondary schools and institutions of higher learning taught me. My spiritual communities support me. My partner, son, and dog create a loving home with me. My light team members—angels, spirit guides and teachers, Reiki guides, ancestors, and power animals—guide, protect, inspire, and work through me.
6.      I see the Divine in everything. The old adage, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” makes total sense to me. However I take it beyond the flea market and dumpster-diving realm. Looking around at the world today may make one think the world has gone to hell in a hand basket—or trash basket, per se. Yet, with my God lens, I see the work of the Divine. No, I don’t celebrate war, killing of innocent people, human rights violations, poverty, hate-mongering of various “isms” etc. I live a big picture existence in which I know that all things are working in a way to help humanity rise to a new level of consciousness. So I lob love and Namaste to you, and you, and you!
7.      I am in perpetual gratitude. Over the years I’ve had some amazing times, and there was also plenty of trauma and drama. Everything I experienced helped grow me into the being I am now, and I have no regrets. None. Thank you, experiences, for helping me more clearly define who I am, whom I will allow into my inner sanctum, what I will tolerate, how I will spend my time, energy and other resources.

These are my Nguzo Saba, though I’m sure I will develop more than seven by the time 51 rolls around. What are your principles for living? Do they still work for you? If so, congratulations! If not, I challenge you to re-evaluate, release, and renew. After all, it’s the end of the year, and the perfect time to release the old and bring in the new. For you youngins, I suggest you don’t wait until you are fifty. And to my elders, please know it is not too late; there’s no time like the present to “teach an old dog new tricks.”

To find out about my holistic offerings, visit my website at www.mindbodyandspiritworks.com. To tune in to my radio show, Mind, Body & Soul Food, visit www.blogtalkradio.com/tonyaparker. Remember to check out my new young adult novel (by the way, which adults love), Diary of a Witch's Daughter, now in Kindle and audio format on Amazon.


  1. I felt pulled into your blog...oncd I concluded the read, I found a common theme, shedding the dead weight..I found it to be very inspiring..thought_provoking..insightful..spirituaimpacting..
    and last but not least, captive.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, Dr. Apostle Vonn. Universal themes, indeed--we are one. Blessings to you!

  3. Love it! I've seen my fair share of people who age ungracefully - not appearance but attitude and altitude. It is so refreshing to see you embrace it so beautifully and turn it into the fantastic reality that it really can be. I'm grateful to be part of your circle and share these years along side of you. Power on Sis!


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