
I love a good cleanse like the next gal, but this past week has run amok in that department. It all started because of my dog. Who would think a less-than-10-lb Min Pin could wreak so much havoc? I always hear, “We plan, and Spirit laughs.” Well I’ve been hearing guffaws for the past few days, and I’m trying my best to generate a giggle or two of my own. It hasn’t been easy.

How did it all start? Our dog Chi went to the vet for dental surgery on a Saturday. Thankfully, all went well, though he had a tooth extracted and was discharged on a course of painkillers and antibiotics. When the vet assistant handed him back to us, his poor little brown eyes were glazed over. We bought him some soft food and brought him back home to rest comfortably. Upon reading the discharge instructions, we knew to not let him overeat, and we were to watch out for after-effects of anesthesia, such as vomiting and diarrhea.

A little later we settled on the sofa. I held Chi for a while and then decided to do some Reiki on him. As a Reiki Master/Teacher with ten years of experience under my belt, this was to be easy and effortless for me, and a relaxing and healing support for Chi. Well, one of us was happy, and it wasn’t the human. The human had failed to ground herself and enact the usual safeguards that protect her when doing energy healing. Having discovered years ago that I am highly empathic, I know that random interactions with folks can result in my soaking up energy in the form of feelings, pain, etc. Intentionally connecting into the energetic space of a being can be particularly tricky, and I knew better. Or so I thought.

The lesson to learn? We, as humans, often view animals, plants, rocks, etc. as lesser beings or things. However, we are all energy. It’s as simple as that. And I lost sight of that for a few minutes, and had to deal with the consequences. You see, I took on some of the possible side effects Chi could have had as a result of his anesthesia. In less than thirty minutes, I was headed to the bathroom. It was the first of many trips over the next 36 hours. And it was not pretty.

The irony of the situation? I was in bed all day Sunday—or in the bathroom. The only time I ventured out was to pick up the prescription for the solution I needed to prepare me for Tuesday’s colonoscopy. So here I was, Saturday night, Sunday, and a wee bit of Monday morning, thoroughly releasing all that no longer served me. Then on Monday evening, I started taking this laxative solution to prep me (read “clean me out”) for my procedure. Overkill, you think?

The serendipity of it all? I’ve released about ten pounds so far, without even trying. And, my trepidation about having to fast on liquids all day Monday and just have the solution  prior to the procedure today (couldn’t get a time prior to 2 PM) has been flushed away. I am having absolutely no problem fasting from food. Who knew?? Did I not mention that the arthritic pain I tend to experience has been non-existent? Must be the absence of sugar, or I’m suspecting gluten.

So, yes, Spirit is chuckling, and Chi is happily recuperating. I am still releasing, as I prepare for my procedure today. Maybe when I am on the other side of things—with some soup, rice, or fruit in my belly later on tonight, I’ll be more in the mood to smile about this. Who knows, I may actually laugh about it. However, that would have to happen later—right now, it may send me straight to the bathroom!

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