Simply, A Merry Christmas

The more I embrace my path, the more I seek simplicity, which could also be interpreted as minimalism. That doesn't mean I am giving away all of my "stuff" and never visiting a retail store again. I have been to a few retail outlets this holiday season, including thrift stores and dollar stores, mainly to get supplies to make gifts I am giving, and to replenish what I have used.  A creator has to keep creating.

 To me, simplicity means that I have been shining a magnifying glass on different areas of my life, determining where it feels natural to gently release what I no longer need. Choosing  simplicity also means I am being more loving with myself and  the planet by using Earth Mother's gifts and lessening  my carbon footprint, and living in a way that is consistent  with my truth, with my heart.
 This change has not been overnight; on the contrary, this evolution has been ongoing for several years. What is different now? I feel the call to commit more deeply, and  circumstances have occurred to help me along in the  process--including having more people in my life with  similar values, experiencing personal challenges, and  reading the book of my November radio show guest, Madeleine  Somerville. Additionally, I believe this time of year is ideal to practice what I preach, and truly honor the holy-days of the season. Here are five small steps I have taken or will take this month to live life more simply and lovingly:
 1. I will cook more. There are many benefits to my cooking, including knowing exactly what's in my food, building in optimal nutrition, releasing weight, and saving money. Just this past weekend I made a big pot of vegan greens for a Solstice potluck event, and they were a huge hit. Next month I’m spreading the good news as I facilitate a 3-month Conscious Cooking Saturday Series.
 2. I will make more of my personal care and cleaning products. Like  cooking, I will know exactly what's in  my products, and can cut down on  the intake of toxins in my  body plus make great use of my healing  essential oils. I will also be able to reuse bottles etc. and cut down on all the over-packaging we contribute to.
 3. I will make/provide most of the holy-day gifts I give. I have plentiful skills, so I will use them to provide quality products/services filled with love. Various family members and my Secret Santa in my family’s name-drawing will reap the benefits of #’s 2 & 3…shhh, don’t tell.
 4. I will use newspaper or cloth to wrap gifts. The gift  bags and wrapping paper I have left over from past years will get used up, then no more wrapping paper for me, just  to be thrown away within minutes of opening a gift. I also have enjoyed finding unique containers to hold gifts—thrift stores are wonderful for aiding this process.
 5. I will support small, mostly local businesses. I have so many friends with excellent businesses. It only makes sense to support them whenever possible. Co-sponsoring the Mind Body & Soul Food Holiday Heal-a-thon & Sale on 12/13/14 was one example of my support. Attendees had fun shopping for excellent products for gifting. Another good place to support small businesses is on eBay—a great deal, especially when you can take advantage of free shipping.

During the noise and chaos that tends to fill this season, I challenge you to take some time to tune in to your truth, to listen to your heart. Does it still serve you to spend, spend, spend, use, use, use, and clutter, clutter, clutter? If your answer is no, no, no, then I encourage you to do something about it. What can you do? The answer lies within the title (and content) of  Madeleine Somerville's book: All You Need is  Less.

So my dears, Happy Hanukah, Happy Solstice, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, and Merry Christmas. And, FYI, when I say Merry Christmas, it is simply shorthand for my prayer for us all: May we all joyfully (“Merry”) birth the Christ consciousness (“Christ”) within us this season (and every day), embodying more (Spanish word “mas”) love, more light, and more peace (and less spending, less using, and less cluttering)! We all have the power within, irrespective of religious or spiritual tradition, if any. Let’s bring forth our inner son/sun and light up the world!

To find out about my holistic offerings, visit my website at To tune in to my radio show, Mind, Body & Soul Food, visit


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