Magic of our Words

Halloween is at hand, and I keep encountering witches. In honor of the spell-casters, I'm sharing an article I wrote for Sibyl Magazine last year. 

Years ago I fell in love with Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements, a small book with big impact. In it, he uses Toltec wisdom to outline the source of limiting beliefs that steal our joy and create needless suffering. His first agreement, Be Impeccable with Your Word, speaks to the power of throat chakra energy, which many of us misuse mindlessly.
Ruiz compares our words to spells. Some of us use this “magic” to the good for ourselves and others. For example, in a speech delivered fifty times throughout Bloomington, Indiana and Ontario, Susan B. Anthony, who was under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last Presidential election, used the power of her words to eloquently assert that she not only committed no crime, but simply exercised her right guaranteed by the Constitution to her and all US citizens. In the process, she skillfully, passionately, yet peacefully advocated for the rights of other women and blacks. On the other hand, Adolf Hitler used his powerful oratory skills to sow seeds of hate that created massive destruction; he essentially was the catalyst for the deaths of over eleven million people since his push for Nazi supremacy led to the creation of nuclear weapons.

 Another metaphysician, Florence Scovil Schinn, wrote a book entitled, Your Words Are Your Wand, also using word magic as metaphor, detailing how we can learn to speak into existence that which we desire.  This concept is always in mind when I facilitate Throat Chakra Circles for women. We borrow from Native American tradition and use a talking stick when it is our turn to share. My talking stick of choice happens to be a beautiful, carved wooden wand embedded with seven stones representing the major chakras, framed with quartz crystals at the ends. I call it our magic word wand, and it serves as more than a way to designate who gets to speak in the circle. It serves as a tool to consciously remind us of the sacredness and power of our words. We use the vibration of our words to express what is in our heart and lower chakras to help create our outer reality. The quartz crystals serve to amplify the energy and empower manifestation.  We always meet within the cycle of the full moon, so there is added energetic “umph” to what we speak. 

We certainly can’t go around in life with a 12-inch wand in our hand each time we speak. Therefore, it would serve us to internalize the message of the magic word wand through repeated practice. Stop and think before we speak. Consider will our words plant seeds of positive creation, or seeds of destruction?

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